Is a Running Gait Analysis Worth It?

If you’re considering a 3D video running gait analysis, you’re likely wondering whether it’s worth it. If you like the idea of reducing your risk of injury, running more efficiently, and increasing your body’s ability to run for many years, then the gait analysis is certainly worth it. Here’s a deeper dive into the benefits and how the investment in a gait analysis can help you save.

Benefits of Gait Analysis:

Reduce Risk of Injury

One of the biggest benefits to a running gait analysis is the reduction in your risk of injury. The analysis helps to pinpoint any discrepancies in your gait that may cause future injuries, or are why you keep injuring your knee again and again. The expert conducting the analysis can identify any imbalances or improper movements that could lead to stress and strain on your body.

Cost savings:

Reduce the risk of future necessary medical treatment for running injuries. Plus, you don’t have to worry about losing any entry costs of races or trips you may have to skip if you are injured.

Improved Performance

A video running gait analysis will also help you run faster and more efficiently, hitting your PR again and again! When you fine-tune your gait, you’ll gain smoother, more efficient strides so you can run faster and longer with less effort. Plus, you’ll get customized training strategies to improve your gait deficiencies.

Cost Savings:

Instead of ongoing coaching and training programs that are generic, you can utilize your customized strategies from the gait analysis. Not to mention the value of the rush you’ll get when running becomes easier than ever!

Find the Right Shoes

Based on your gait analysis, the running expert will recommend specific shoes that best support your gait and body. The right shoes will help you reduce risk of injury, as well as improve performance.

Cost savings:

Stop spending money looking for the perfect shoe - and get the right one for you!

Long-Term Health

Not only does constant injury harm your physical health, but your mental health as well! When you’re able to run more efficiently, you’re more likely to enjoy running for years. Proper running form promotes joint health as well, to protect your body from premature wear and tear.

Cost Savings:

The ability to keep enjoying running for years to come? Priceless!

Still not convinced a gait analysis is worth it? Contact us today and we’d be happy to discuss how it could benefit you!

Charlotte Spangler